Congratulations to all who took part at the Celtic Masters this year. Reportedly there were 23 individual Irish records broken at the Celtic Masters and numerous provincial ones too.
Congratulations also to Dymphna Morris for winning Swim Ireland's Masters Outstanding Achievement. Special mention also to the Kilkenny Masters Club (best national club performance) and to the Pittsburgh Flying Fish Heads who took home a wee pot of gold medals and the award for best international club performance.
Pittsburgh Flying Fish Heads |
Special thanks to Swim Ireland who sponsored the event and to our coaches Peter and Gerry. Special thanks also to Declan Harte NAC coach who gave up his time and swims to announce and officiate on the day.
Thank you also to all our timekeepers, officials, MCs and the tech team for sacrificing their time to make all this happen.
Thanks goes to those who manned the medal & tee shirt tables and the lovely ladies who kept the officials and volunteers fed during the 2017 Celtic Masters...we look forward to Alice's Apple Pies every time!
The next gala is Mallow on the 9th of December. Entries are due in by the 4th Dec. Keep up the great work everyone.